When I got to the Edmont Hotel the first thing I did was checking in. They gave me a small room with an awful view, but to be honest I didn’t care. It was still early. I wasn’t tired so I decided to go and check what was going on in the Lavender Room. Lavender Room was a night club in Edmont Hotel. Although it wasn’t crowded I got an awful table in the corner. Three girls around thirty were sitting next to me. They were pretty ugly with an exception of that blond one who wasn’t so bad. I started giving her the old eye. I really felt like dancing so I decided to ask the blond girl if she would care to dance with me. When we were already on the dance floor I couldn’t believe that she was such a good dancer. I can say she was the best I have ever danced with. I told her that she was really good and something about dancing and the most famous dancers, but she ignored me. I gave up and just danced with her. Then I danced with two others, but they were not only stupid as their blond friend, but also horrible dancers. Later I found out that their names were Marty, Laverne and Bernice. We were sitting at their table and drinking on me. When they had finished their drinks they stood up and told me they had to go to bed. They were closing the club so I had to leave not long time after they did. Anyway it was pointless to sit in Lavender Room alone without any good company to dance with.
'Dance' author: Alicja Cwalina |
I am really sorry, that you couldn't get a nice partner ;(